Guardian Financial Group

Proud Partner of Salem Media

Helping Ministers Retire With Confidence

Helping Ministers Retire With Confidence

Guardian Financial Group
Partnered With Salem Media

Hear from Principal Partner, Keely Rule, as he discusses Guardian Financial Group’s partnership with Salem Media, what attendees can expect at the event, and where you can find Guardian Financial Group to learn more.

Event Details

Location: Armature Works
1910 N Ola Ave, Tampa, FL 33602

Event Presentation: October 17th, 9:30AM

Guardian Financial Group Will Be Speaking On October 17th, 9:30AM

Hear from our Principal Partner, Keely Rule, as he breaks down a Minister’s income as it relates to housing allowance. He will discuss how it works while a Minister is employed, what happens when they retire, and how housing allowance is treated if they predecease their spouse. In addition to maximizing income, the Guardian Financial Group team will speak to opting out of Social Security, the value of using a 403(b)(09) retirement plan, and how to secure your financial future.

Who We Are

Guardian Financial Group was started by Jerry Whitley, a successful pastor and businessman, managing a financial services firm. In 2012, while meeting with the CFO of a large ministry organization, he was challenged to provide financial services for pastors. In that moment, he realized that this was more than a challenge, it was his calling. He poured himself into learning as much as he could about retirement strategies for ministers, reading and exploring everything he could get his hands on. He consulted tax experts, attorneys, and other financial professionals. Along his journey, he experienced costly setbacks but ultimately learned crucial lessons about how to best offer financial guidance to ministers. Two years later, in 2014, what eventually became Guardian Financial Group was born.

Almost a decade later, Guardian Financial Group has grown from one man to an entire team of dedicated ministerial finance professionals who have helped thousands of Pastors plan for retirement and strengthen their financial positions.

Questions or Comments?


Over the past decade the Guardian team has been fortunate to help many ministers better understand the proper way to structure their income and help church leaders understand how to properly compensate both their ministry and non-ministry staff. What we have discovered is that a minister’s income is very unique and widely misunderstood but when compensation is done properly it can help a minister reduce their tax burden while employed and in retirement. In this guide we will break down some important rules that apply to minsters while they are working and when they begin to take retirement distributions.

This website and materials associated with it are designed to provide general information on the subjects covered. Pursuant to IRS Circular 230, it is not intended to provide specific legal or tax advice and cannot be used to avoid penalties or to promote, market, or recommend any tax plan or arrangement. You are encouraged to consult your personal tax advisor or attorney.

Partnership does not imply an endorsement from Salem Media or Guardian Financial Group.
